Directives: Error Handling ========================== #try and #raise --------------- The template: :: #import traceback #try #raise RuntimeError #except RuntimeError A runtime error occurred. #end try #try #raise RuntimeError("Hahaha!") #except RuntimeError #echo $sys.exc_info()[1] #end try #try #echo 1/0 #except ZeroDivisionError You can't divide by zero, idiot! #end try The output: :: A runtime error occurred. Hahaha! You can't divide by zero, idiot! The generated code: :: try: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: write('A runtime error occurred.\n') write('\n') try: raise RuntimeError("Hahaha!") except RuntimeError: write(filter(VFN(sys,"exc_info",0)()[1])) write('\n') write('\n') try: write(filter(1/0)) write('\n') except ZeroDivisionError: write("You can't divide by zero, idiot!\n") {#finally} works just like in Python. #assert ------- The template: :: #assert False, "You lose, buster!" The output: :: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 117, in ? x().runAsMainProgram() File "/local/opt/Python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Webware/Cheetah/", line 331, in runAsMainProgram CmdLineIface(templateObj=self).run() File "/local/opt/Python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Webware/Cheetah/", line 59, in run print self._template File "", line 91, in respond assert False, "You lose, buster!" AssertionError: You lose, buster! The generated code: :: assert False, "You lose, buster!" #errorCatcher ------------- No error catcher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The template: :: $noValue The output: :: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 118, in ? x().runAsMainProgram() File "/local/opt/Python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Webware/Cheetah/", line 331, in runAsMainProgram CmdLineIface(templateObj=self).run() File "/local/opt/Python/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Webware/Cheetah/", line 59, in run print self._template File "", line 91, in respond write(filter(VFS(SL,"noValue",1))) # generated from '$noValue' at line 1, col 1. NameMapper.NotFound: noValue The generated code: :: write(filter(VFS(SL,"noValue",1))) # generated from '$noValue' at line 1, # col 1. write('\n') Echo and BigEcho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The template: :: #errorCatcher Echo $noValue #errorCatcher BigEcho $noValue The output: :: $noValue ===============<$noValue could not be found>=============== The generated code: :: if "Echo" in self._errorCatchers: self._errorCatcher = self._errorCatchers["Echo"] else: self._errorCatcher = self._errorCatchers["Echo"] = ErrorCatchers.Echo(self) write(filter(self.__errorCatcher1(localsDict=locals()))) # generated from '$noValue' at line 2, col 1. write('\n') if "BigEcho" in self._errorCatchers: self._errorCatcher = self._errorCatchers["BigEcho"] else: self._errorCatcher = self._errorCatchers["BigEcho"] = \ ErrorCatchers.BigEcho(self) write(filter(self.__errorCatcher1(localsDict=locals()))) # generated from '$noValue' at line 4, col 1. write('\n') ListErrors ~~~~~~~~~~ The template: :: #import pprint #errorCatcher ListErrors $noValue $anotherMissingValue.really $pprint.pformat($errorCatcher.listErrors) ## This is really self.errorCatcher().listErrors() The output: :: $noValue $anotherMissingValue.really [{'code': 'VFS(SL,"noValue",1)', 'exc_val': , 'lineCol': (3, 1), 'rawCode': '$noValue', 'time': 'Wed May 15 00:38:23 2002'}, {'code': 'VFS(SL,"anotherMissingValue.really",1)', 'exc_val': , 'lineCol': (4, 1), 'rawCode': '$anotherMissingValue.really', 'time': 'Wed May 15 00:38:23 2002'}] The generated import: :: import pprint Then in the generated class, we have our familiar {.respond} method and several new methods: :: def __errorCatcher1(self, localsDict={}): """ Generated from $noValue at line, col (3, 1). """ try: return eval('''VFS(SL,"noValue",1)''', globals(), localsDict) except self._errorCatcher.exceptions(), e: return self._errorCatcher.warn(exc_val=e, code= 'VFS(SL,"noValue",1)' , rawCode= '$noValue' , lineCol=(3, 1)) def __errorCatcher2(self, localsDict={}): """ Generated from $anotherMissingValue.really at line, col (4, 1). """ try: return eval('''VFS(SL,"anotherMissingValue.really",1)''', globals(), localsDict) except self._errorCatcher.exceptions(), e: return self._errorCatcher.warn(exc_val=e, code= 'VFS(SL,"anotherMissingValue.really",1)' , rawCode= '$anotherMissingValue.really' , lineCol=(4, 1)) def __errorCatcher3(self, localsDict={}): """ Generated from $pprint.pformat($errorCatcher.listErrors) at line, col (5, 1). """ try: return eval('''VFN(pprint,"pformat",0)(VFS(SL, "errorCatcher.listErrors",1))''', globals(), localsDict) except self._errorCatcher.exceptions(), e: return self._errorCatcher.warn(exc_val=e, code= 'VFN(pprint,"pformat",0)(VFS(SL,"errorCatcher.listErrors",1))' , rawCode= '$pprint.pformat($errorCatcher.listErrors)' , lineCol=(5, 1)) :: def respond(self, trans=None, dummyTrans=False, VFS=valueFromSearchList, VFN=valueForName, getmtime=getmtime, currentTime=time.time): """ This is the main method generated by Cheetah """ if not trans: trans = DummyTransaction() dummyTrans = True write = trans.response().write SL = self._searchList filter = self._currentFilter globalSetVars = self._globalSetVars ######################################## ## START - generated method body if exists(self._filePath) and getmtime(self._filePath) > self._fileMtime: self.compile(file=self._filePath) write(getattr(self, self._mainCheetahMethod_for_x)(trans=trans)) if dummyTrans: return trans.response().getvalue() else: return "" if "ListErrors" in self._errorCatchers: self._errorCatcher = self._errorCatchers["ListErrors"] else: self._errorCatcher = self._errorCatchers["ListErrors"] = \ ErrorCatchers.ListErrors(self) write(filter(self.__errorCatcher1(localsDict=locals()))) # generated from '$noValue' at line 3, col 1. write('\n') write(filter(self.__errorCatcher2(localsDict=locals()))) # generated from '$anotherMissingValue.really' at line 4, col 1. write('\n') write(filter(self.__errorCatcher3(localsDict=locals()))) # generated from '$pprint.pformat($errorCatcher.listErrors)' at line # 5, col 1. write('\n') # This is really self.errorCatcher().listErrors() ######################################## ## END - generated method body if dummyTrans: return trans.response().getvalue() else: return "" So whenever an error catcher is active, each placeholder gets wrapped in its own method. No wonder error catchers slow down the system!