Directives: Output ================== #echo ----- The template: :: Here is my #echo ', '.join(['silly']*5) # example The output: :: Here is my silly, silly, silly, silly, silly example The generated code: :: write('Here is my ') write(filter(', '.join(['silly']*5) )) write(' example\n') #silent ------- The template: :: Here is my #silent ', '.join(['silly']*5) # example The output: :: Here is my example The generated code: :: write('Here is my ') ', '.join(['silly']*5) write(' example\n') OK, it's not quite covert because that extra space gives it away, but it almost succeeds. #raw ---- The template: :: Text before raw. #raw Text in raw. $alligator. $croc.o['dile']. #set $a = $b + $c. #end raw Text after raw. The output: :: Text before raw. Text in raw. $alligator. $croc.o['dile']. #set $a = $b + $c. Text after raw. The generated code: :: write('''Text before raw. Text in raw. $alligator. $croc.o['dile']. #set $a = $b + $c. Text after raw. ''') So we see that {#raw} is really like a quoting mechanism. It says that anything inside it is ordinary text, and Cheetah joins a {#raw} section with adjacent string literals rather than generating a separate {write} call. #include -------- The main template: :: #include "y.tmpl" The included template y.tmpl: :: Let's go $voom! The shell command and output: :: % voom="VOOM" --env Let's go VOOM! The generated code: :: write(self._includeCheetahSource("y.tmpl", trans=trans, includeFrom="file", raw=0)) #include raw ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main template: :: #include raw "y.tmpl" The shell command and output: :: % voom="VOOM" --env Let's go $voom! The generated code: :: write(self._includeCheetahSource("y.tmpl", trans=trans, includeFrom="fil e", raw=1)) That last argument, {raw}, makes the difference. #include from a string or expression (eval) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The template: :: #attr $y = "Let's go $voom!" #include source=$y #include raw source=$y #include source="Bam! Bam!" The output: :: % voom="VOOM" --env Let's go VOOM!Let's go $voom!Bam! Bam! The generated code: :: write(self._includeCheetahSource(VFS(SL,"y",1), trans=trans, includeFrom="str", raw=0, includeID="481020889808.74")) write(self._includeCheetahSource(VFS(SL,"y",1), trans=trans, includeFrom="str", raw=1, includeID="711020889808.75")) write(self._includeCheetahSource("Bam! Bam!", trans=trans, includeFrom="str", raw=0, includeID="1001020889808.75")) Later in the generated class: :: y = "Let's go $voom!" #slurp ------ The template: :: #for $i in range(5) $i #end for #for $i in range(5) $i #slurp #end for Line after slurp. The output: :: 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Line after slurp. The generated code: :: for i in range(5): write(filter(i)) # generated from '$i' at line 2, col 1. write('\n') for i in range(5): write(filter(i)) # generated from '$i' at line 5, col 1. write(' ') write('Line after slurp.\n') The space after each number is because of the space before {#slurp} in the template definition. #filter ------- The template: :: #attr $ode = ">> Rubber Ducky, you're the one! You make bathtime so much fun! <<" $ode #filter WebSafe $ode #filter MaxLen ${ode, maxlen=13} #filter None ${ode, maxlen=13} The output: :: >> Rubber Ducky, you're the one! You make bathtime so much fun! << >> Rubber Ducky, you're the one! You make bathtime so much fun! << >> Rubber Duc >> Rubber Ducky, you're the one! You make bathtime so much fun! << The {WebSafe} filter escapes characters that have a special meaning in HTML. The {MaxLen} filter chops off values at the specified length. {#filter None} returns to the default filter, which ignores the {maxlen} argument. The generated code: :: 1 write(filter(VFS(SL,"ode",1))) # generated from '$ode' at line 2, col 1. 2 write('\n') 3 filterName = 'WebSafe' 4 if "WebSafe" in self._filters: 5 filter = self._currentFilter = self._filters[filterName] 6 else: 7 filter = self._currentFilter = \ 8 self._filters[filterName] = getattr(self._filtersLib, filterName)(self).filter 9 write(filter(VFS(SL,"ode",1))) # generated from '$ode' at line 4, col 1. 10 write('\n') 11 filterName = 'MaxLen' 12 if "MaxLen" in self._filters: 13 filter = self._currentFilter = self._filters[filterName] 14 else: 15 filter = self._currentFilter = \ 16 self._filters[filterName] = getattr(self._filtersLib, filterName)(self).filter 17 write(filter(VFS(SL,"ode",1), maxlen=13)) # generated from #'${ode, maxlen=13}' at line 6, col 1. 18 write('\n') 19 filter = self._initialFilter 20 write(filter(VFS(SL,"ode",1), maxlen=13)) # generated from #'${ode, maxlen=13}' at line 8, col 1. 21 write('\n') As we've seen many times, Cheetah wraps all placeholder lookups in a {filter} call. (This also applies to non-searchList lookups: local, global and builtin variables.) The {filter} "function" is actually an alias to the current filter object: :: filter = self._currentFilter as set at the top of the main method. Here in lines 3-8 and 11-16 we see the filter being changed. Whoops, I lied. {filter} is not an alias to the filter object itself but to that object's {.filter} method. Line 19 switches back to the default filter. In line 17 we see the {maxlen} argument being passed as a keyword argument to {filter} (not to {VFS}). In line 20 the same thing happens although the default filter ignores the argument.