Cheetah.FileUtils module

class Cheetah.FileUtils.FileFinder(rootPath, globPatterns=('*', ), ignoreBasenames=('CVS', '.svn'), ignoreDirs=())

Traverses a directory tree and finds all files in it that match one of the specified glob patterns.

filterDir(baseName, fullPath)

A hook for filtering out certain dirs.

processDir(dir, glob=<function glob>)
walkDirTree(dir='.', listdir=<built-in function listdir>, isdir=<function isdir>, join=<function join>)

Recursively walk through a directory tree and find matching files

class Cheetah.FileUtils.FindAndReplace(files, patternOrRE, replacement, recordResults=True)

Find and replace all instances of ‘patternOrRE’ with ‘replacement’ for each file in the ‘files’ list. This is a multi-file version of re.sub().

‘patternOrRE’ can be a raw regex pattern or a regex object as generated by the re module. ‘replacement’ can be any string that would work with patternOrRE.sub(replacement, fileContents).

class Cheetah.FileUtils.SourceFileStats(files)
Cheetah.FileUtils.findFiles(*args, **kw)

Recursively find all the files matching a glob pattern.

This function is a wrapper around the FileFinder class. See its docstring for details about the accepted arguments, etc.

Cheetah.FileUtils.replaceRegexInFiles(files, pattern, repl)

Replace all instances of regex ‘pattern’ with ‘repl’ for each file in the ‘files’ list. Returns a dictionary with data about the matches found.

This is like re.sub on a multi-file basis.

This function is a wrapper around the FindAndReplace class. See its docstring for more details.

Cheetah.FileUtils.replaceStrInFiles(files, theStr, repl)

Replace all instances of ‘theStr’ with ‘repl’ for each file in the ‘files’ list. Returns a dictionary with data about the matches found.

This is like string.replace() on a multi-file basis.

This function is a wrapper around the FindAndReplace class. See its docstring for more details.